Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Waking Up in Zwolle

So, Monday rolls around and the weekend has finally caught up to me. I tried to tell myself to go to bed on time Sunday night, but after hanging out with my host family, putting away laundry, and skyping my sister about her trip out here (yes, she and Nate are coming!), it was almost midnight. Then it took me a bit to fall asleep and before I knew it, it was 6am and my alarm went off... I threw my phone, went back to bed and re-woke up at 7:40am. I got ready, made lunch, grabbed my bike and took off. I asked LaRae if she thought I should wear rain pants but she said it wasn't supposed to rain. So, we met Lauren and biked our way to the bridge...where it began to pour rain. Note to self: LaRae is no longer in charge of weather forecasts. We showed up to class pretty wet-- a combination of rain and sweat, and sat through 3 classes.

After class, we began looking at where we wanted to travel. Long story short, travel planning is NOT that easy. There's so many places to go, so many sites to compare prices, and in the end, you still pay an arm and a leg. However, we got some rough plans figured out and are well on our way to a wonderful semester in a lot of wonderful places. 

After dinner LaRae and I went to a friend's to watch a movie. I wasn't planning on going because I wanted to fill out scholarships but alas, I joined. Another long story short, don't watch Braveheart unless you are wide awake and have 3 hours to focus on poor acting and a lot of fake blood. It was a decent plot, but I just really am not into movies that don't include Draco Malfoy (kidding, but not). 

At 10:40pm I arrived home and will literally fall asleep in seconds... so... DAG!

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