Thursday, January 19, 2012

If I had my way, I'd take the rain.

Today it rained.
This morning it poured.

When I woke up, I thought I heard wind, but then I remembered I am in Holland, not Sioux Center (thank goodness!). Turns out it was pouring rain! Yesterday we had a tiny bit of rain but it wasn't bad. This morning we broke out the big guns: rain boots, rain pants, and all. LaRae's big guns are a bit more impressive than mine. Let's just put it this way: you know those ponchos you buy at California Adventure Land when you go on the water rides? It's like that, only 5 sumo wrestlers could fit in it. So, in our super cute outfits we biked to class. I am SO thankful we live the closest for one more reason: biking in the rain will be horrendous if it rains any harder than it did today. It had slowed down a bit by the time we left for school, but the people who biked from Hattem or the other side of Zwolle were miserably cold and wet (far worse than us) from the bike ride.

After 2 1/2 hours of Dutch we had lunch and then one of the professors gave us a taste of what his class will be like. Let me try to explain to you how awesome I think this class will be: he has a collapsible bike, no tests,  lots of excursions to explore Holland, and he gave us yo-yos. I wish classes at Dordt were more like this, but alas, I will have to enjoy it while I am here.

After that class we had a break and then split into groups to do a scavenger hunt around the city of Zwolle. We had to find various locations, items, and take random pictures in 90 minutes. We did what we could but still missed a few items. Tomorrow we'll find out the winners (I highly doubt it's my team, but we DID bring back the box from a McKroket. If you don't know what it is-- deep fried gravy on a McDonald's bun is the best way I can describe it).

Tonight we had pasta for dinner, talked to our host dad about places to visit, and then went to our little brother's work to surprise him. He gave us a tour of where he works and then we rode our bikes (he took his moped) home. One of my favorite things to do is race on my bike, but unfortunately my bike is not very stable and my legs are not huge fans of riding uphill after going under the bridges. When we got home, we tried some of the pizza from his work. After that, I skyped my legit little brother. Unfortunately, Dordt's internet is just as bad as before so it is difficult to understand/see him at times.

Basically, at the end of this day, all I have to say is I miss my crummy car...
but not really. I'd take a bike ride in the rain through Zwolle than walk across Dordt's campus in the tundra.

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