Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tuesday is the New Friday

Today seriously felt like a Friday all day. A piece of me is thankful it isn't though, because our first full weekend adventure to a different country is supposed to happen this weekend and we are no where near ready for it, but right now it's looking like Belgium? Who knows. Everything changed here in a blink of an eye (especially the weather). Anyways, today wasn't all that eventful at school: Survival Dutch, Cross-cultural communication, cheese sandwich for lunch, and intro to our art class. After class we biked home and looked up some more stuff for trips. Good news-- Spring break flight got booked. From Barcelona to home is 30 euros! Now we just have to get to Barcelona. This is going to be the best Spring Break yet!

For dinner we had a sort of dinner party with our parents and their Bible study group. There was lots of really, really good food (most of it had bacon in it... mmm mmm mmm). One of the ladies asked us if we've noticed differences in the cultures and what exactly we had noticed-- mostly toilets, coffee, drinking, stairs, and small driving paths. After dinner there was coffee time, of course, but this one was a bit different than usual. Coffee was served during their Bible study. Unaware that I was kind of intruding on the discussion, I grabbed a chair and my coffee and joined in. About 40 seconds later I realized what just happened but knew it was too late to walk away. So, I did what Americans do best-- ate. Probably feeling inclined to include the American, the group informed me of the discussion: the difference between grace and mercy. Then I was put on the spot: what IS the difference? I was not expecting that one... so, I thought for a second, ate a little more, sipped my coffee, and then answered. To me, grace is something that is already present. Amazing grace that saved a wretch like me. Mercy, however, is something we must ask for when we repent of our sins. Maybe that's completely wrong, but that's what it seems to be to me. I'm curious: what's the difference to you, followers? There was some more discussion in Dutch, and some translation: should it be easy to accept mercy? Again, what do you think? 

At first, I felt a bit awkward entering a Dutch Bible study, but I am actually glad I "intruded" the Bible study. What a wonderful thing, to be able to participate in a Bible study with a group of people who don't speak the same language as me? Another blessing. :)

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