Thursday, March 29, 2012

My Birthday Week: One to Remember

After weeks of having visitors in and out of our host home, it was nice to have things back to normal. Except this week was not exactly normal; it was my birthday week-- the big 2-1.
To start off the week, Dutch class was cancelled on Monday! So I had a completely free day, resulting in doing some homework in the sun, convincing my little brother to go with me for a leisure bike ride, finding the Zwolle lake and golf course, and getting a tan. PERFECT. LaRae was busy sleeping off the horrors of night trains, so I had some quality bonding time with my little brother. Now that I've discovered the golf course, I think I may give it a try. It's been almost 6 months since I've broke out the golf skills, but what better place to let them shine than Europe? Also, I had always heard about European beaches, the special ones (if you know what I mean), and I found that as well! Lucky me and my eyes...

That night we celebrated my older host brother's birthday with ALL the brothers-- the first time all 8 of the siblings have been together! They are so much fun to be around. I love having brothers. I always knew I wanted an older brother; who would have thought having 7 brothers could be so fun?

On Tuesday we had an excursion to camp Westerbork, a concentration camp about 45 minutes from Zwolle. It wasn't a death camp, but rather a place they held Jews before transporting them off to their doomed fates at death camps. At this camp, they convinced the Jews that they were not going to be killed. They gave them everything-- hospitals, soccer fields, play grounds, food, beds, "jobs." Why would they give them so much if they were just going to kill them? That would be dumb. Those Nazis were pretty smart people... it's disgusting. Walking around the camp put a feeling in me I've only felt once before and I never want to feel again. How could these people be so naive to believe the Nazis would keep them alive when they were forced to come here and knew that Jews all over were being betrayed, brutally treated, and killed? It makes me sick to think about. As much as it means to me to be able to visit a concentration camp, I don't think emotionally I would be able to handle a death camp. Perhaps someday I will be able to, but for now, this was enough. Good to see, but I don't need to return anytime soon.

After that, some of the girls went shopping and then Kaitlyn came over and had dinner with our family. I then went upstairs and finished some lesson planning. When I returned downstairs for coffee time, a delightful smell met my nose: brownies. Surprise! LaRae and Kaitlyn baked me birthday brownies before we went out! What good friends I have. Unfortunately, I already knew there was some baked good coming, but I never turn down baked goods, especially when they literally have my name all over them.

Tuesday night was a very special night. Not only was it a Joffer night, but it was also my birthday! As we biked to the city, LaRae and Kaitlyn realized they forgot something and  had to turn around. Nervous about what this could be, I continued biking with the rest of the group. I was greeted by some of the guys and joined shortly after by LaRae, Kaitlyn, and the best party  hat I have ever seen. Not only did it put a smile on my face but also helped me stick out in the crowd: just in case anyone forgot it was my birthday, they could just look for the party hat and be instantly reminded.

Birthdays are fun, but let me say this: after a very long double bike ride and an attempt to walk on water, I'm relatively glad birthdays only roll around once a year. One good thing I will never get too much of, however, is friends, and I sure do have some good ones. I couldn't have asked for any better. It was a great celebration and a wonderful way to start a "new year" of life, especially waking up to stroopwaffles, chocolate, a letter from my roommate, and a festively decorated dining room. My family and friends are the best, and I'm so thankful for every person who helped make sure my birthday went as well as it possibly could. I really couldn't have asked to spend my birthday any better way. So, to those of you who joined the celebration: thanks again.

Wednesday was another day of celebration, but first a lesson at my internship in Zwolle. This did not go quite as planned. I underestimated my children: they already knew was a limerick was, leaving me about 15-20 minutes ahead of time and not much energy to think on my feet. So, we practiced reading in front of groups. I'm sure the students loved that activity... but at least the rest of the lesson was a hit with the kids.

Wednesday night I went for pizza with some of my family and then we had the SPICE students and my host brothers over for another little celebration. For my birthday I received a cookbook and a spekulaas cookie cutter (both of which can be used in the kitchen, generously pointed out by Jeremy), and a gift card to one of my favorite stores to supply to my shopping addiction. Again, another great way to celebrate my birthday.

Today we had an excursion to Den Haag. We visited Parliament, a museum, and the beach. It was a pretty relaxing day, but unfortunately the weather was not completely beach appropriate. Regardless, we enjoyed it with some Kees-provided beverages and picture-snapping. When we got back in Zwolle LaRae and I decided to enjoy the Pancake Ship. Another delicious Dutch meal.

And now, I am mentally and physically drained, but fully prepared for a weekend filled with cave exploring, mountain climbing, lake walking (perhaps I can practice my walking on water there), swiss cheese, and maybe some yodeling if I'm lucky.

Let the traveling re-begin!

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