Friday, March 9, 2012

Longest Week Yet

After our return from spring break, I was expecting a very easy week. The business students (10 out of the 17 of us on SPICE) were leaving Wednesday morning for the rest of the week to go to Berlin. What this meant for the rest of SPICE? NO CLASSES! Assuming that meant the rest of the week would be really easy, I let my brain and body go into recovery/lazy mode. This week was going to be a breeze.

There's a saying that goes, "Don't count your chickens until the eggs hatch." I definitely should not have counted on an easy week. I had this beautiful image of sleeping in, no homework, no stress, and lots of alone time. Turns out I got none of that. This was by far the longest, least relaxing week of the semester, and I can blame nobody but myself. However, for how long it was, I must also say it was one of the most exciting and encouraging weeks of thus far as well.

Monday was brutal, as Mondays should be. It was 6 1/2 hours of classes, and my two least favorite: Dutch and Portfolio. Dutch was long and boring, and portfolio was once again extremely frustrating. It seems like nothing I do in that class is ever right, except for when I'm quiet. I'm sorry, but I'm not a quiet person. If I disagree with you, I'll tell you my opinion. And if in the end we still disagree, that's fine, but at least leave things open for discussion. After all, I thought part of this class was about discussing. Development and discussion, that's what I expected from this class. What's it doing for me so far? Developing some very strong, hostile emotions toward this class and giving me some great discussions about my strong dislike for it. Normally, I'm not the type to "hate" on classes, but this one has a special place in my heart that I wish did not exist. It's just not a class I believe is as worth-while as we're told it should be. Perhaps my personal portfolio project will change my mind a bit, but as of late, I'm ready to scrap this class and just talk about the differences with my host family and roommate.

Tuesday was supposed to be a short day because I only had Dutch practice class, but then our portfolio group volunteered at an elementary school in a nearby village. Let me tell you, if you're ever having a bad day, spend a few hours with 5 year olds who don't speak your language. It'll lift your spirits more than anything else possibly could. Sitting in the teachers' lounge, the kids outside peered in the windows like we were zoo animals. They wanted to spend time with us SO bad. So, we entered their class and a few of them introduced themselves to us, sang songs in Dutch and then in English, and of course dances were involved. The kids clung to us like it was their birth right. It was so precious. We visited a few of the older classrooms, too, but they didn't find us nearly as fascinating (except Jordan, because he is huge and plays American football). Even though it was another long day, it was well spent in the presence of such precious children.

Wednesday led Katrina and I to another afternoon at our internship here in Zwolle. Our first impression of classrooms/students/teachers was very stereotypical for public education. Wednesday, however, we experienced something completely different. We saw "North American" classroom management, and we saw very motivated, very intelligent children. One of the teachers offered for us to teach some lessons in his class (what I'm supposed to be working on right now), and we discussed the Celebration Week. I think I've mentioned it before, but basically we will have 12 groups, each with a diff country, and dedicate a week to learning about that country and presenting something celebratory about that country at the end of the week. I cannot wait for that! My group will be doing a dance, maybe even cooking something, too.

Thursday we had another internship day at Gomarus. I spent the morning with our carpool date because Katrina's alarm clock decided to be nice and let her sleep in an hour later than planned. We spent our morning working on our one lesson for later that afternoon. Together (and by together, I mean with 4 teachers in total), we worked on our persecution project with the religion class. It was good, but for only having one lesson and 4 teachers, I'm feeling a little bored. I'm definitely emotionally ready for my own classroom. I know I'm not actually prepared enough for it yet, but I just don't like this sharing thing (some things never change, right mom?). But alas, patience must be practiced and I will bide my time. After a "tips and tops" time with our mentor teacher, I realized we have a lot more work ahead of us on this project, and it made me excited for what else we have planned. Getting excited about teaching = greatest feeling.

Today is Friday and the first day I even had the option to sleep in since... before spring break. What happens? Of course I'm awake before 8. I forced my body to stay in bed and fall back asleep, but only til a little after 9. I then woke up, got ready, and started being productive. LaRae's entire family has arrived and will be here for about a week, until MY family comes! This weekend I'm traveling to Buitenpost to see my dad's sister and her family... so much family: I LOVE IT!

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