Sunday, February 19, 2012

We are Family.

Friday after I finished my internship. I packed up and took LaRae to Groningen-- the student-center, shopping, city of awesomeness. We got there, did some shopping, ate at my favorite pub (Drie GeZusters), and then met up with my cousin. Actually, let me back track a second. We spent 2 hours in the pub, eating, drinking, and being merry. We were also contemplating where we were going to chance to go out later that evening. We thought we were just going to meet up with my cousin in the city, so we needed somewhere to get ready, but where. They charge you for public bathrooms here, and there was no way we were spending 50 cents to fix our hair and change our clothes. Being the cheap and resourceful Friesan my dad raised me to be, we walked to the university, looked for an open building (known as the library by university students), walked in like we were hobos who owned the place, entered the bathroom for approximately 25 minutes, and came out looking like superstars. That is how it's done! I then received a phone call from my cousin telling us we should get on a bus to come to her place for awhile before we go out because no one goes out until 1 AM. Two things: 1) we changed in the university library's bathroom for nothing. 2) We have to stay up until 1 before we can go out? What is this place!?
So, we got on the bus, arrived at my cousin's, and hung out with her and her boyfriend for awhile. Around 12:45 we headed to the bus stop and went to the city. We walked into one pub and it was still kind of quiet. Insane. We entered another and decided (even though it still wasn't super busy) to stay and see if it got any busier. It did. And it was fun, but it was a late, late night!

Around 11:30 in the morning we departed for the train station to Leeuwarden-- the capital of Friesland-- the REAL motherland! My uncle and aunt picked us up and took us to their home in the very, very small village of Kubaard, where my dad grew up. We ate lunch (dinner) with them-- meatballs, potatoes, carrots, applesauce. Now that is what we were expecting from the typical dutch meal. And let me tell you, it was delicious! Then we went to a city on the coast to chase the ice mountains. Once all the cold weather wore off and the wind remained, the waves pushed all of the left over ice to the coastline, resulting in mountains of ice. We searched all along the coast, landing us in Hinderlopen, a town I remember visiting 6 years ago when I was visiting family here with my whole family. It was SO cold and windy there, but I'm glad we got to see it. After that, we went back home and had some coffee. Then we just relaxed with my aunt and uncle and found out a bit more about my family-- like the fact that my uncle competed in '86 in the big ice skating marathon and skated over 200 km!
A little later in the night my uncle, aunt, and I skyped my parents. Skyping my parents is always fun, but I don't think I've seen my dad smile so much over the webcam as when he saw me with his brother.

This  morning we ate breakfast and then went to church in Kubaard. I didn't understand very much of the service, but it was still great to see and be in the church my dad went to. We went back home and had coffee with my cousin and his girlfriend and then got a tour of the dairy/house my dad lived in. However, it has recently been remodeled. To me, it looks great and very cozy, but I wonder what it's like for my dad and uncle to see the house they grew up in and hand all those memories in look so different. Maybe they don't/won't think any differently, but I can't imagine going back to the farm in Nevada seeing a completely different house. But of course, things get old and worn out and need a change. We then had dinner (soup, meatball, potatoes, veggies, and vla of course!). A little while later my other cousin came over with his family for some coffee. It was so great to see so much family in such a short time, and I can't wait to come back! Although, I did promise my little 12 and 8 year old cousins that I would speak more Dutch  next time I came, so I have a ton of work to do in the next 3 weeks. And since I do have a Dutch test in 12 hours, I suppose there's no better time than the present to get started... So, until next time! Dag!

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