Thursday, February 23, 2012

Better late than never, right?

Yes, it has been almost an entire week without me blogging. I would apologize, but once you hear about all I accomplished this week, you will understand how very busy I have been. So pardon my lateness, but at least I'm blogging before taking off for spring break for 9 days.

Monday we had our first Dutch test. After finding out I failed the first quiz (which didn't actually count for anything), I was more nervous than before. I can't fail a class here. I can't fail a class ever! We reviewed for about 20 minutes and then she handed out the tests. I looked at it and thought to myself, "You have to be joking." It was so easy! I struggled with one section but the rest was a breeze. I handed my test in, the professor looked at it and then told me I did well. Now, what "well" means here could mean I just barely passed because that seems to be what everyone aims for here, but whatever. It's over and I feel great about it.

Tuesday rolled around and we had a very long day: 8:30am-3pm in the same classroom. Not only did we have a long day of classes, but Dordt reps were here so we had to put on happy, studious faces. And let me tell you, that is difficult to do when watching a 2 1/2 hour movie completely in Dutch with English subtitles. During our Dutch culture and society class we watched a movie about 2 twin sisters separated at a young age during WWII-- one grew up to marry a Nazi. One grew up to be in love with a Jew. It was an interesting and very touching movie; however I could have done without about 40 minutes.
Tuesday evening we booked our final place to stay for Spring Break: a cozy little apartment in the city center. The best part: 175 euros TOTAL for 3 nights divided by 6 girls. Yep, I'm the best travel agent ever. Call me if you're ever looking for cheap apartments around Europe because right now I am 3 for 3 on the bookings.
What else happens on Tuesday evenings? The Joffer, of course! But first, our older host brother who lives in town came over for dinner: fish, chicken, and potatoes. However, there were only 2 pieces of fish and a multitude of chicken. At first, the boys seemed like they didn't like fish, so I thought, "Well, I like fish so I'll take a piece." Then they questioned me, "Are you sure you want that? You don't have to have it." Ok... is that sarcasm, or do you actually want the fish, or what? Everyone keeps saying how brutally honest and blunt the Dutch people are, but my host family is just like my family at home: you just never know. Turns out the boys do kinda like fish... whoops. At dinner we talked about our backyard. Turns out we also have a pond I had failed to notice in my first month and a half living here. At first I thought they might be joking about that as well, but they told me we do indeed have a little pond that I could swim in. Then the boys came up with a brilliant idea: in a week or so they will give me a quiz about the environment of the backyard. If I fail, I swim in the pond solo. If I pass, I still swim in the pond, but my little brother goes with me. Why not, right?
Well, after dinner, LaRae and I ran to the grocery store and then proceeded to get ready for the Joffer night! We first went to a Dutch buddies and then headed to the city. What a great night. I'll just leave it at that.

Wednesday rolled around and I had absolutely nothing to do except cook for my host family. We had a few girls over to watch the Bachelor and then LaRae and I made upside-down pizza casserole: another successful meal cooked by the dynamic duo. I finished some homework over coffee with the family and some of the girls and then headed upstairs to get up early for my internship this morning.

Because our wonderful carpool date had fallen ill, Katrina and I were forced to use public transportation. So, I woke up at 5:35am, got on a 6:41 bus to get on a 7:17 train to walk to Gomarus and arrive at 8:35am. We then met with our mentor teacher to prepare our first big assignment. We got some guidelines from her and then spent the next 2 hours preparing a project about persecution of Christians around the world. During the 5th hour we presented the information to the 3rd year (14/15 year olds) students. They did not seem thrilled with the work load, but we assured them it would be well worth the time, effort, and we'd be there along the way to help and support them. It's a bit of a heavier load than I think they're used to, but I have full confidence in these kids, and they get a little taste of American teaching styles. Hopefully they like it!

Tonight we met the 6th and final host brother and his girlfriend. Yeah, I love my host family more and more. I've concluded that the more of them that are around, the funnier they get. Although, dad can be pretty hilarious on his own. I am now completely packed for spring break-- in one backpack... That's it! I have one class in the morning and then head off for a wonderful adventure (at least I hope so!). In Italy we will visit Venice, Naples, and Sorrento, and then we will end our spring break in Barcelona. Needless to say, I will not be able to blog during this trip, so until next time! Happy end of February to you all!

1 comment:

  1. I am commenting on this because its necessary. I agree, our host family gets more hilarious every single day #lovethem
