Monday, April 2, 2012

Celebrate Good Times: Come on!

Today marks the beginning of a very important project at one of my internships: The Celebrations Project. What is this thing? I'm sure I've told you a bit, but I'll give you a brief summary. The 1st year class of TTO (bi-lingual) students are split into 12 groups that will each be coached by an English-speaking coach to explore the geography, history, biology, and PE (sports) of a country. They will present their findings, artifacts, and a fun celebration momentum with their classmates at the end of the week.

Today I was introduced to my group. I walked into the classroom and the students all smiled and I heard my name several times. Surprise: it's the students I've been teaching every Wednesday! Because I am the only native English-speaking coach in my class, I gave the instructions and introductions. We split into our groups, went over the basics of the project, and got further acquainted with each other. My group is so much fun and so curious about everything. Why am I here? Do I like teaching in America or Holland better? What is better about America? Why can't you ride a bike very well?

It was such a fun afternoon for a meeting I was dreading so much. After about an hour, I had the kids pack everything up, promise they would work diligently in school until the week of the Celebrations Project, and gear themselves for a week full of fun with me as their coach.

I can't wait to see what this crazy, hectic, busy, fun-filled week brings for me and these kids.

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