Saturday, December 31, 2011

So what you're saying is...

Well, in less than 2 weeks I will be overseas for the next four months of my life. Pretty crazy to think about. And to think, 4 months ago I was questioning my decision to go. Thankfully I have wonderful, supportive friends and family, and stubborn Dutch roots; therefore, I am about to take on Europe "one double bike ride at a time" with my wonderful roommate, Larae. We found out that we are indeed living together with a wonderful family in Zwolle who have 6 sons (we asked for 8, but 6 will do, I suppose). I cannot wait to meet them and see what else this semester has in store for us. Seriously, how can we go wrong in Europe?
While talking to some of my cousins who have been to Europe, I realized a lot can actually go wrong-- maybe not necessarily "wrong," but not "right" in the eyes of an American. For example: They only put one ice cube in their drinks? No free refills? McDonald's is a delicacy? I have to hold my bags while I sleep in a hostile? London isn't all about Harry Potter and pigeons? So maybe some of these things are from years ago when they traveled, but still-- the American way is not the European way. Seems pretty self-explanatory, but I don't think I'll really grasp that until I'm there-- along with many other things as I study and travel all over Europe.

So, here's why I'm writing today. I'm not usually a New Year's resolution type of person, mainly because I can't keep up with a diet long enough to see (positively negative) results. However, this year I'm making a few. I have resolved to do three things: to be completely honest with others and with myself, to live in Europe with an open mind, and to write every day. Maybe these seem like pretty simple resolutions to make, or maybe you think I'm a horrible person for waiting until I'm 20 years old to resolve that I need to be completely honest, but here's the deal. There have been plenty of times where I've said, "Oh, I love that song" but I've never heard it before, or I've said, "I don't care whether we scuba dive or play cards today," but I really don't want to play one more hand of Rook or Dutch Blitz- ever again. No more of that. On top of that, I need to be honest with myself. Am I trying new things like I said I would? Am I doing things for selfish or selfless reasons? Are my decisions glorifying to God or do I need to hide this story from Him (and therefore, probably my parents). No more of that either.

In the New Year, I have a few plans for my writing, but I'm looking at the big picture and I know I need to start smaller: writing daily. For anyone who has tried to keep a diary or write a book or a paper, you know how tiring it can be to write every, single day.

And finally, traveling with an open mind-- this is a huge commitment. Maybe I won't like everything I try, and I certainly don't have to tell people that I do, but I have to be willing to at least try these things. I'm not going to leave Europe with regrets or with unfulfilled goals. I'm going to experience Europe and "do as the Romans do" in every country I visit with a smile on my face, even if that means eating snails and not having ice cubes in my drinks. It's all going to be OK. In fact, it's going to be better than OK; it's going to be great.

"Without new experiences, something inside of us sleeps. The sleeper must awaken." -Frank Herbert

Happy New Year, followers!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Welcoming Words

Well, I decided that since I'm about to embark on the greatest 4 month adventure of my life, I should probably share it with the world-- or at least those who are interested in hearing about my experiences while exploring and studying in Europe.
As many of you know, I'm a pretty vocal person. I always have something to say. Whether people care or not is their deal, but I feel like what I have to say is worthwhile and so I am going to share it with anyone within earshot  (which is usually about a mile or so, considering how loud I am). While many of the things I may post here will be summaries of my days or weekend excursions and a few pictures here and there, I want to note that this is my  "journal" about this experience. So you'll read my reactions, the good and the bad, to the experiences I'm having. I want to create wonderful memories in Europe and opportunities for myself to discover a deeper sense of culture and myself in the midst of various cultures. There's going to be a lot of great times, but I'm also aware that there's going to be a few adjustments that may be difficult, but I'm confident that every risk I take there will be worth it. When you stay in things you are comfortable in, you will never be more than merely comfortable-- never wonderful or complete. And that's what I'm aiming for-- wonderful and complete. I'm not willing to settle for a "good time." I want this to be extraordinary. After all, it is the opportunity of a lifetime.
So why should you all read my blog? Quite frankly, I don't really care if 1 or 90735169 people read my blog. I'm doing this to remind myself later of the growing process and just how wonderful this experience really is. Maybe some of you will read this to live vicariously through me-- cool. Maybe some will read it to keep tabs on me-- sweet. Maybe some of you will read it because your Facebook news feed is constantly filled with blurbs from this-- sorry. :) Whatever your reasons for reading this, I hope that you will understand that I want to share this experience with as many people as possible and am more than willing to do so through this blog as well as when I get back, but I also want each of you to understand and perhaps appreciate the concept of studying and exploring different cultures with a group of people I don't know that well. It's going to be something new, something challenging, but I guarantee it will be something great.

"I see my path, but I do not know where it leads. Not knowing where I'm going is what inspires me to travel it."
--Rosalia de Castro